This is going to be a quick post since I'm sleepy and really want to go to sleep, but I didn't want to go to sleep without at least writing down the good thing that happened today.
Liam had an iffy day at school, which ended in a bad day. I got a call from his teacher a few minutes after he got onto the bus and she said that something happened and he ended up hitting another kid in the face. She said it took three teachers to get him to calm down and get to his bus.
Now, you are more than likely confused since I said something good happened today. No, I didn't hate the kid he hit -- matter of fact, I like the kid. That's not the part that I'm happy about in the slightest.
I talked to his teacher for bit to try to figure out what our game plan is from here. We are lucky with how much Liam's teachers have been willing to work with us so far. All of his teachers so far have been really helpful and really do care about him.
Anyways, I had been working on school lessons with Ethan when she called. I went back to his lessons when I got off the phone and started formulating my own game plan for what to do when Liam got home. Last night we had hours of screaming, crying, throwing things, and even had Liam smacking himself against the doors and walls during his fit. I really didn't want a repeat of that tonight. I had a meeting to go to, so I also didn't want to leave the house in the middle of a screaming fit.
When Liam got home, I let him in and asked how his day was. He told me 'yellow'. I asked if he was sure and he looked at me, sighed and said it was 'red'. I told him I had already talked to his teacher since she was worried about him and we didn't want him to keep having these kind of days. Then I dropped it. Told him to grab a snack and then bring his backpack into the room. When he came in, I asked what homework he had, and set up a TV show for Ethan and told Liam he could watch it. After about 30 mins, I called Liam upstairs. I brought his math homework and his reading homework up with me.
He was a bit crabby about going up, but went up and sat with me in bed. I showed him the mp3 player that he'll be able to use on the bus (this is a technique to get him to ignore the bully who keeps picking on him, so the bully can get in trouble instead of Liam getting so upset that he attacks the bully and then he gets kicked off the bus), then I asked him if he could talk about what happened at school. He did whine and start a bit of a fit, but I just told him that I needed to know what happened so we could all work together so he didn't have days like this.
Surprisingly, it didn't take much more than that. I won't go into detail about exactly what he told me, but he said was playing around with boy #1 and then tried to continue with boy #2, but I'm guessing he had gotten himself too riled up and excited and ended up either actually hitting boy #2 or coming close enough to make boy #2 think he tried to hit him and it got translated to a hit. Either way, he thought he was playing and then as far as he knew, it turned into him being told he hit someone -- which led to a melt down.
He actually talked for quite some time about the whole thing. I think I might have gotten him to at least understand why the other kid thought he got hit (I decided to compromise a bit and not push whether or not the kid actually got hit. Even a close call was enough in my opinion for what I was trying to do). I also tried to emphasize that he can't just fall to the ground and have a total melt down, requiring three teachers to calm him down. If something isn't right, he needs to talk about it and not flip. His tantrums can be pretty major. He's a tall kid and he's strong. He broke my nose when he was littler, and I'm pretty sure if he went into a full tantrum, he could easily inflict a lot of accidental damage. I don't want that to happen to anyone else, and I don't want him to have to deal with that guilt on top of all of this other shit. I've seen him feel really bad after injuring me or Ethan.
Anyways, from that, he did his math worksheet and a good chunk of his reading. When I left for my meeting, I told him what I wanted him to do of the rest of his reading since we want to do something tomorrow evening and then the Autism Awareness event on Thursday. I told him that I wanted as much done as possible so we didn't have to deal with it tomorrow/Thursday. When I came home, he had done almost everything. He only had a little bit left, which will be easy for him to finish up tomorrow night... as long as we can deal without a tantrum again...
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