Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love getting dressed up with the kids and going out Trick or Treating. It's not really even the idea of getting candy, but going out and seeing other people and seeing how excited the kids get. This year I was really excited since I made the boys' costumes.
In September we began work on these costumes. Ethan wanted to be a dragon. I cut out felt triangles and hot-glued them onto a shirt. I hand painted glitter on other triangles for a tummy piece. I molded teeth and eyes out of glow in the dark FIMO clay to go on a hat. I knitted a head cover with scales that I just finished last Friday.
Liam wanted to be a knight. I cut out pieces of cardboard and covered it in very expensive colored duct tape -- did a front and back chest piece and then arm pieces. Made a helmet out of cardboard and duct tape. Knowing that he couldn't wear the helmet to school, I then knitted him a fake chain mail hat (I'm blanking on the real name of it... I'll think of it later) so he could wear it to school. We bought him a foam sword and shield to go with it.
Both looked excellent. We went to Zoo Boo last weekend and people recognized what both of them were supposed to be. At the Squirrel Hill thing on Thursday, they thought it was great.
Tonight, however, Ethan refused to put his costume on. He told me he hates it and it's ugly. Liam didn't want to wear the majority of his costume. They decided they wanted to sit and watch TV. I wasn't nearly as hurt about wanting to watch TV as Ethan saying he hates the costume and it's ugly. I told him that he wasn't going out trick or treating without his costume. That's what you do and that's that. He bawled. I even told him "Wear the costume that Mommy slaved over for a month or go to your room". I feel awful about it, I really do, but I still feel hurt that the costume that he liked at one time, he now hates.
I told him he wasn't going out without the costume... and he went outside and cried to Karl, who was working on the car. I'm guessing that he let them go without costumes. Liam came inside and ordered me to light the jack-o-lanterns that are on the porch to be lit, mentioned something about a change of plans for Ethan to only wear part of his costume, and then left again.
So I'm currently home alone... I do have the porch light on, but TOT has been on for 50 minutes and no one has even passed by the house, so I think I'm just going to shut off all of the lights and sit in the dark. Maybe go to bed early or something...
Oh, and did I mention today is my 12th wedding anniversary?
I've been dressed in my costume since before 5:30 trying to get the kids ready to go out. Now they're out, probably without their costumes, having fun, and I'm home alone. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?
Someone remind me of this the next time I want to do something special for the kids...